First Day of School: What to Expect During Your Dog Obedience Training

When you sign up for dog obedience training, your pup isn’t the only one who’ll be putting in the work. Take a look at what you can expect during training.

Sit! Down! Come! Heel! Place! With a side of manners.

Does your dog need training? Have you been looking into some dog obedience training classes, but aren’t sure what to expect on your pup’s first day of school?

Well, we’ve put together this handy little guide to help you and your dog get ready for class! Read on to find out what to expect!

When Should I Start Dog Obedience Training?

Start before you have problems! Most people wait until their puppies already have bad behavior to start training, but you should begin to train them before that. Usually, between 8-12 weeks is old enough to start classes, but early enough that your dog has yet to form bad habits.

That doesn’t mean that older dogs are unable to learn, but the rate of progress depends on you, the owner. If you are unsure whether your dog should start training, check out this article for some signs to look for that your dog needs training!

What Do I Need to Do To Prepare For Classes?

Before your first class, you will want to make sure your dog is healthy enough to be around other dogs, and that they are adequately vaccinated. So take a trip to the vet and make sure everything checks out.

There are some supplies you may need to bring with you, which could include any of the following:

Collar with ID
Food to last for the entire board and train.
Non-Retractable leash
Willingness to learn and change your relationship with your dog

For the sake of safety, no bedding, toys, or chewable are allowed. Training and boarding dogs are all kenneled and sleep on thick comfort primo pads.

What Will The Dog Trainer Teach My Dog?

Young pups may start with socialization and behaving with other dogs. They are still figuring out the world. At obedience training, they can experience things like being around other dogs and people that they may not be able to at home, but in a safe and controlled environment.

Basic obedience classes teach just that: obedience. They focus on training your dog to listen to your commands, even under distractions. E-collar training is a staple and main tool used for having a reliable “come” command.

Board and Train classes are my most popular and sought out for dogs 5-6 months or older. The board and train are like sleep-away camp for your dog! They will spend a few weeks with the trainer wholly immersed in an environment geared to teach them.

They could include:

Name Recognition
Basic Commands (sit, place, come, heel, etc.) Usually, the first things your dog will learn and they will help get them used to how training works.
Leash and e-collarTraining
Real world manners and obedience
Skills for the entire family
Stopping Problem Behaviors

Every dog is different, so the specifics that your dog will learn will depend on their individual needs additional to the foundation supplied to all the obedience programs.

What Will the Graduation sessions Teach Me?

Obedience classes not only teach your dog but you as well! If you do training classes at the facility, you will be involved in the training of your dog. Having your dog trained is a great bonding opportunity for you and your dog and gets them used to following your commands. You are taught the use of tools and how to properly communicate with your dog as situations arise.

The trainer will work closely with you to teach you how to work with your dog. The classes are meant to equip you with the knowledge you need to keep the training going once you take your pup home. You will be given homework in reading and video format.

Denise will be able to give you an insight into how your dog learns and views the world. She will teach you how to partner with your dog’s patterns to enhance the training experience and make sure it sticks!

How Long Does Training Take?

You should expect the board and train to take anywhere from two to six weeks. Your graduation sessions are 2-3 hours each. Denise will be overwhelming you with information. You will need two days to process. Your success is so important!

For Board and Training, the length of stay will be determined based on what your dog. You can contact us for more information!

Practice, Practice, Practice!

The skills you learn in class should be a part of your daily interactions with your dog. Consistency is key! If you want your dog to obey you consistently, then you have to be consistent too!

Always end your practice on a good note and give them a break if they appear to be getting frustrated. Keep track of any problems you encounter after training and speak with the trainer.

Sign Up Today!

Dog obedience training will give your dog the basic foundation of proper training. They will also teach you how to help your dog along their road to graduation. You and your dog will both have fun and build memories together through the training process.

So now that you’ve got a good idea of what to expect from basic dog training let’s schedule something! We would love to help you and your dog get where you want to be. We offer a Free Phone Evaluation, so reach out today and let’s get your pup on the right track!
